FDCPA Certifications Program Shipped Directly To You Printed & Shipped Manual Digital versions sent to email.
current price: $350.00 $197.00
Category: Renewal
(Includes FDCPA Certifications and Exam fees, Training materials, and membership to CCA FDCPA Division.
- 12 months Membership to our trade association included.
- Everything included – No Additional Fees
- Name displayed in directory,
- Tests is done online, Multiple choice and True and False questions
- Fair Debt Collection Practice Act (FDCPA). Manual shipped to your home
- Understand the scope and provisions of the FDCPA regulations and how they affect day-to-day operations for any business or organization.
- FDCPA certified means that you know the ins and outs of these critical laws helps you minimize the risk of noncompliance.
- We provide you all documentations required to study for the FDCPA examination.
- You will gain instant credibility becoming FDCPA Certified.
- 3 attempts to pass exam(included in package)
- Digital Certificates
- Orders shipped directly to your home or office.
- Normal fee $350
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